25 August 2011

一人一信投訴 HP 黑箱賣TouchPad

就 HP 黑箱賣TouchPad事件, 鬼哥有見群情兇湧, 特地撰寫以下投訴信俾廣大憤怒了的網友。
內容自己睇, 總之夠晒反映整件事件。大家隨便 copy and paste, 發信去舒發己見。

HP 各相關聯絡方法:
HP 香港 online store hk.onlinestore@hp.com
容淑儀, 惠普香港公司 3559 7718 linda.yung@hp.com
李文駿, 博雅公關 for HP 2963 6712 harold.li@bm.com
Mylene Mangalindan, HP corpmediarelations@hp.com
Michael Thacker, HP corpmediarelations@hp.com
HP Investor Relations hpinvestorrelations@hp.com

Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my terrible experience and frustration regarding the latest online clearance of the HP TouchPad.

HP Hong Kong announced on its official Facebook page at 6:44pm, August 24, 2011 that it would offer HP TouchPad 16GB at HK$780.

The announcement instructed eager buyers like me to go to the website: http://www.mobicares.com/hptouchpad to place an order, starting from 9:00am, August 25, 2011. Then the nightmare started here.

I've never been able to access the captioned web page. The page was displaying an error all the way through, and it was not by a second available.

As an eagar user who was willing to wait in line, I tried refreshing the page once 30 second or so, hoping I could somehow get into the site and order my unit. However, nothing worked. It was error after error after error, for hours.

As helpless as it could get, I went to the original announcement just to find it flooded with 2000+ similar complaints.

At 11:30, two hours after the so called "start ordering" time, mobicares.com announced at its Facebook page that The TouchPad was all sold out!

That wasn't it. Minutes after the sold out message, multiple units started to appear in various auction sites, selling for HK$1200 to HK$1800 per unit. It left me no choice but to think that the whole process was manipulated by some unnamed insiders, if not carefully planned and staged.

It was a huge shock to me. I was extremely disappointed and utterly frustrated by this unacceptable incident. As a user who wanted to order a TouchPad so bad, I thought I well deserved at least a fair chance. However it was nothing but a complete black box to me and much more others. It felt like the unit was sold out even before it was started.

I hereby demand a full address on what actually happened, and also a fair and accessible channel to order an HP TouchPad

Whether or not your will address my demands, from now on I refuse to purchase any products from HP. In addition, I will also consider uncovering this terrible experience to a much wider audience.


Best Regards,

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